A Personal Approach To Resolving Your Estate Planning & Litigation Concerns


Understanding the duties of a trustee

People work hard to obtain their assets. It is only right that those individuals be able to delegate their assets as they desire. A proper estate plan can aid in accomplishing this, and a trust is a beneficial tool within the plan. A trustee is the party in charge of...

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How to include a pet in an estate plan

People love their animals, which is why so many stories pop up of rich people who have passed away leaving behind millions of dollars to their dog or cat. Most people just want to make sure someone will look after their pet if they pass away. Typically, ownership of a...

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What you need to know about arbitration clauses

Estate planning is necessary and important, but it is also sometimes a stressful endeavor when you are trying to ensure all your loved ones are cared for. Drafting a trust or will is the best way to provide financial protection to your family after you pass, but it is...

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The most practical places to store your will

When you marry or have your first child, you need to start thinking about creating a will. You do not want to delay this process too much, and you can easily find an attorney in Las Vegas or Henderson to assist you. After you have finalized your will, it is time to...

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Important aspects of the probate of an estate

Many individuals use wills to control the distribution of their estate after their passing. This makes the will a big part of the probate process for many estates. For individuals forming estate plans and beneficiaries, it is helpful to understand this process. In...

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